We don't measure our achievements in seasons, years, or even decades. Our investment in wildlife is for the years to come. Celebrate life by giving a gift that could truly last for generations.
When thinking about your Will, we know you’ll want to make sure your loved ones are looked after first. Once you have done this, please consider including a gift to the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire to ensure that generations to come can enjoy a wilder future in our special, local natural world.
Why give a gift in your Will to the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire?
The last century has seen huge changes to the countryside and the loss of many traditional habitats. Wildlife that depended on these habitats has suffered, with many species in decline. The Wildlife Trust was set up to create a balance between wildlife and people. We protect many of the last wild places in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire and strive to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy nature.
We are determined to make a positive change. Gifts in Wills are helping us to make nature's special places even bigger and better and we are working to create landscapes where wildlife can once again flourish.
You can make a difference today. Giving a gift in your Will ensures that the wildlife you care so much about is protected well beyond your lifetime. Just a 1% gift in your Will to the Wildlife Trust BCN will protect nature and the wild places you love for future generations to come.

“Anyone who cares about wildlife has a marvellous opportunity to do something quite unique, by remembering their local Wildlife Trust in their will. This generous act is one of the most important things you can do to make sure the species and habitats we love will be there for future generations to enjoy.”
Sir David Attenborough, President Emeritus of the Wildlife Trusts

Dear Nature: Legacy Event
Monday 2nd June
Join our friendly team plus Trustee and trained solicitor, James Marsh, to gain a special insight into the work of the Trust and learn how including a gift in your Will can benefit your local wildlife long into the future.
A gift in your Will could...
- Support the recovery of some of our rarest species
- Secure important wildlife sites, saving them from future development
- Develop research and monitoring to ensure ongoing conservation best practices
- Purchase vital equipment for the efficient and successful management of our reserves
- Help nature beyond our boundaries by encouraging communities and other landowners to maintain their land in a way that helps wildlife thrive
- Inspire young people and the wider community to care about the natural world through a broad array of activities
- Campaign to give wildlife a voice, working locally with developers and local authorities, and nationally through collaboration with the national Wildlife Trusts movement
- Ensure the Trust functions smoothly and efficiently to fulfil our objectives for wildlife
Our Fundraising Promise
- We are committed to high standards
- We are honest and open
- We are clear
- We are respectful
- We are fair and reasonable
- We are accountable

Gigi Crompton, one of our Trust’s founding members and eminent Cambridgeshire botanist.
Gigi Crompton (1922-2020)
Gigi Crompton was one of our Trust’s founding members and an eminent Cambridgeshire botanist.
She developed a pioneering methodology for surveying rare plants and published numerous botanical papers on important habitats in East Anglia. Gigi’s research into historical plant records culminated in the publication of Cambridgeshire Flora Records since 1538, the definitive historic and geographical archive of our local wildflower species records, including many rarities and new county records.