Our Five Year Vision 2015-2020

Cambourne Nature Reserve

Cambourne Nature Reserve

Who we are

Our Five-Year Vision 2015-2020

Our aim is that Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire will be better for wildlife by 2020 and that people living here will understand and appreciate that nature matters. 

Chief Executive Brian Eversham 

Chief Executive Brian Eversham 

After decades, centuries of loss, for the first time in 4,000 years, we may be creating more wildlife habitats than we are destroying.

The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire will help to make this happen by working with others, to create Living Landscapes by restoring, recreating and reconnecting places rich in wildlife. We have achieved a great deal in the last five years: in the next, we aim to do even more. 

To do better for wildlife, we must focus more on people too: staff and volunteers working closely together to achieve far more than either can do alone. We will monitor progress against rigorous and stretching measures of success, and use these to guide and refine our work.

It is always difficult to know what the future will hold, but as a lean and efficient local charity we are flexible and adaptable. We can grasp opportunities as they arise. Our biggest long-term challenge is climate change. We will manage our nature reserves to help wildlife to be resilient and adaptable to change. We will work with other landowners to connect habitats and allow wildlife to move freely in response to a changing climate. We will help to control pests, diseases and invasive species. With your help we can ensure our three counties have a future even richer in wildlife. 

Our vision in summary

Delivery: Living Landscapes at the heart of local communities

We will enhance our nature reserves to make them even better for wildlife and people.

We will work with others, including landowners and developers, to protect wildlife beyond our nature reserves.

Our work will be evidence-led and based on sound research and monitoring.

Reaching Out: Inspiring a love of nature

We will engage with people to enhance our recognition and reputation.

We will inspire people about the natural world and provide opportunities for them to learn about and take action for wildlife.

People and partnerships

We will build strong and effective partnerships that benefit wildlife, the Wildlife Trust and others.

Working with partners will increase our influence, expand the scope of our work, challenge thinking and bring fresh ideas.

Our culture - working together

Value, respect and listen to staff, voulnteers, members and supporters

Endorse and embrace partnerships, teamwork and cross-team working

Operate in an efficient and business-like manner

Operate in an environmentally sustainable way

Create a working environment that is flexible and adaptable to change

Encourage staff and volunteers to be bold, ask questions and develop new ideas

Our finances

We will ensure that the Wildlife Trust is a financially viable and sustainable organisation.

We will increase our unrestricted income and diversify our income streams to mitigate risk.We will hold adequate cash reserves and assets to secure the long-term sustainability of the Wildlife Trust.


Five Year Vision Document