Record River Cam bat punters

Record River Cam bat punters

River Cam bat punt by Martin Bond

Record numbers of people booked our river Cam bat punts last summer - the 2019 season is now ready to book . . .

Gliding down the river Cam at dusk - bat detector in hand - is one of the highlights of summer in Cambridge. For the last seven years we have run these punts in collaboration with Scudamore's punting company. Last summer, with the help of warm dry weather, record numbers of punters enjoyed the experience - so this summer we are increasing available dates by adding Saturdays in July along with the usual Friday evening punts. 

Scudamore's generously donate 50% of ticket sales to the Trust - and as a result of the high ticket sales in the 2018 season we received more than £10,000.

Author and journalist Patrick Barkham joined us in May 2018 and wrote about 'the best bat experience in the UK', and Visit England sampled a punt last June which resulted in glowing feedback, 

Full dates and booking here for the 2019 season - punts start on Friday 10 May and run every Friday evening through to 21 September, with Saturdays also during July and August.