A great year for orchids

As part of our annual monitoring, we get to experience the best that our reserves have to offer. This year we've seen some encouraging numbers for orchids.

Man orchid

During our Totternhoe monitoring this year, our monitoring and research team found 645 man orchid plants, over half of which were flowering. This is the highest number of plans that’s been recorded on site. As this orchid is only found in one small area in Bedfordshire within our three counties it’s really encouraging to know our management of the reserve is helping this species thrive.

Common spotted orchid

We found 2,602 flower spikes when we carried out our annual common spotted orchid count around Grafham Water. This is the highest annual count by nearly 300!

Green-winged orchid

The green-winged orchids had their best year ever this year at Bentley meadow, part of Upwood Meadows.

A woodland management success story

Southern marsh orchid Brampton Wood

Credit: Matt Hamilton

This is a southern marsh orchid found at Brampton Wood this year.

A little over 15 years ago conifers planted on the site were removed and open conditions restored in the area called the Great Glade. Since then, species-rich grassland has begun to develop and a number of orchids have appeared including the common spotted, bee, green-winged and southern marsh orchids.

This shows the effect of well-managed woodland. Well done to the team and volunteer wardens who manage the wood!