Whichever way you look at it, 2021 has been a busy year for environmental campaigning. With COP26, the Environment and Agriculture Acts, Marine Protection Areas, announcements on badger culling, neonics usage, the OxCam Arc and many more, it's been a non-stop parade of vitally important issues from the local to the national scale.
We are extremely grateful to all of our supporters who have engaged with this, on any level. Whether you have responded to a consultation on your Local Plan or the government's plans for wider development, lent your name to a petition, campaign or movement like #StateofNature or #RethinktheArc, mapped your local green space, written a letter to your MP or helped to spread the word about what we do - it all helps to make a difference.
If you haven't already, do sign up to our campaign e-news to be kept in the loop with what we're doing on a national and local scale, and how you can get involved.