30 Days Wild - Day Nineteen - Eat your lunch outdoors

30 Days Wild - Day Nineteen - Eat your lunch outdoors

Ruth Algar

Enjoying lunch on the grass with Louise and the bees...

We might work for the Trust but in our roles in HR and H&S we are often desk-bound – 30 Days Wild has given us the impetus to enjoy and experience the wildlife we all work together to look after.

So we stepped away from our keyboard cuppa soups and set off for the nature reserve we are so lucky to have on our office doorstep in Cambourne.

We enjoyed our stroll past the lake and up Crow Hill, setting up our picnic at the summit it felt like we had the reserve to ourselves - apart from the birds putting on a song and dance show for us and the bees buzzing past.

We decided to just completely stop, enjoy the peace and have a meditative minute, enjoying the sun on our faces and the soothing sounds.

Taking the opportunity to stop and literary enjoy the flowers was fantastic – we strolled back through Oaks Wood enjoying spotting bugs and trying our best to figure out what they were.

It was a brilliant reason to inspire us to go out and appreciate Cambourne Nature Reserve and enjoy its restorative influence. Now we just need to make sure this is something we continue to do after 30 days wild comes to an end!

A path through the trees at Oaks Wood

A path through Oaks Wood by Ruth Algar

Day 19 icon for 30 Days Wild



Ways to go wild...

Go for a picnic! Take your lunch outdoors and enjoy the restorative effect of nature. All you need is a patch of grass...

Events during June for 30 Days Wild...

We've got loads going on all through June to help you go wild in our three counties. Visit our calendar for a full list of events.