How can students help us to protect wildlife?

How can students help us to protect wildlife?

We are working with students at Anglia Ruskin University on an exciting project that benefits everyone

We regularly work in partnership with universities to deliver our conservation work. Often this involves working with students on our nature reserves, monitoring habitats and wildlife.

Our recent work with Anglia Ruskin University has been a new area for us. The Live Brief Initiative is an opportunity to present students with a real-world problem and challenge them to come up with a fresh and creative solution. In this case we asked students to research and produce posters to highlight the conservation issues around certain UK animal species. 

The work that has come from this has been genuinely impressive - and some of the recent entries are shown in the gallery below. It has been refreshing to see a different perspective on conservation and see such a variety of approaches. It is also great to see the younger generation so engaged with conservation issues. 

For the students, we hope that this project gives them a chance to work with a real conservation organisation, and think how they might approach things in their future careers. It is incredibly important for us to help encourage the next generation of conservation practitioners.