I think Spiders Deserve More Respect

I think Spiders Deserve More Respect

On the Caribbean Island of Hispaniola farmers have huge respect for spiders. Many farmers say that spiders are God’s natural insecticide and they welcome them onto their land in order to eat the flies and other insects.
  1. Spiders eat pests such as flies, moths, mosquitoes, aphids, and caterpillars. They keep our world, including fields and our homes free of unwanted pests. 
  2. Spiders prevent the spread of disease by insects such as flies and mosquitoes.
  3. We rely on spiders because they play an essential role in our ecosystem, keeping the ratio of invertebrates to vertebrates in balance.
  4. Spiders improve lives as their venom is used in many medicines including pain killers. This is helpful in the treatment of cancer, heart conditions and epilepsy.
  5. Spiders are not aggressive and will only attack if it feels threatened. If you respect them from a distance you will come to no harm.
  6. Spider’s intelligence is shown by how they make webs, for example. The strength of the silk is incredible.
  7. Spiders are magnificent mothers.
Close up spider


Respect to All Spiders


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