
Hedgehogs will be missed when they are gone 30by30


Our natural world is in trouble

This is no secret. Wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate - some are calling it the next mass extinction - and the threat of climate catastrophe is a constant worry. We live in a time of emergency. There is still hope - we can tackle both of these critical issues - but we have to act now. Time is running out.

What needs to happen?

The Wildlife Trusts as a national movement are calling for at least 30% of our land and sea to be connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030. Making more space for nature to become abundant once again will give our struggling wildlife the chance to recover and also restore beautiful wild places - places that store carbon and help to tackle the climate crisis. 30% is the bare minimum that nature needs to start recovering but we are far short of this and need your help to turn things around.

Nature: how much is enough?

We can do this together

By joining our mission for nature's recovery, whether that means adding your name to our national campaigns, becoming a member of the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire or donating to an appeal, you will make a real difference to wildlife and our natural world. Every little bit of support will help us achieve our vision for a wilder future.

Together, nationally, we can restore huge peatlands, which store carbon and become a home for threatened birds like curlews and golden plovers. We will create new wetlands, which reduce the risk of towns and villages flooding and are also great for dragonflies and water voles. We will plant new underwater seagrass meadows to soak up carbon and shelter sea horses and other sea life. Nature has given us so much, it's now our turn to give back.

We want to restore 30% of land for wildlife by 2030

Your donation can help us
Type of donation