
Congratulations! You've found an egg!

Collect the letters on each egg and unscramble them to find our secret phrase! You can find the instructions and other clues on this page

Blue S egg

Activity: keep going!

Now that you have discovered a bit more about the plants and animals which live near you, it's time to think about how you can help.

  • LEARN: We hope that you enjoyed finding out about our plants and animals but why stop there? You can take a look around our website or ask our staff next time you are out one of our reserves. The more you learn that more you will realise what an amazing world we live in!
  • LOOK: You may still be stuck indoors for now but we will hopefully soon be able to get out. Find you nearest reserves and go to explore them so you can see some wild animals and plant first-hand. 
  • TAKE PART: Find some more activities about wildlife to get involved in. We offer events throughout the year to keep you learning about, looking at and enjoying wildlife.  
  • SHARE: Why not tell others about what you have discovered? What was your favourite animal? Which place or picture inspired you?
  • MAKE A DIFFERENCE: You can find some easy ways for you to make a difference and information about why it matters on the Wildlife Watch website

Litter picking               Conserving water             

Reducing plastic use               Recycling

Do you have any questions or would you like to share some of what you've done on your egg hunt -  we'd love to hear from you! Email us at 

Have you cracked the code?

If you've found all 10 eggs, don't forget to go back to the first page or click the button below to request a copy of the solutions and more activities for you to do. 

Request solutions and additional activities

30 Days Wild - wild rainbow banner

Sign up for some more fun - 30 Days Wild!

In a couple of weeks' time we will be opening registrations for our 30 Days Wild challenge. We're asking you to do something wild every day in June and we will be running loads of fun events and activities to get you inspired.

Don't forget to check back on our website to sign up!

Easter break activities

Don't forget that we are running some other activities you can take part in over the holidays. 

Children with Wildlife Watch

Matthew Roberts

Child and family membership

The best way to learn about all the ways you can connect with nature is to join your Wildlife Trust. You'll get loads of fun stuff and help protect local wildlife and wild places!

Join us

Support our work

Most of the resources here have little or no cost attached to them. If you enjoyed some of our activities, please contribute to the work that we do.

Donate today