Grasses I - A beginners introduction with Brian Eversham
Location: Old Sulehay,
Sulehay Road, 0.5 miles west of the village
Yarwell Village
PE8 6PA, Stamford
Old Sulehay,
Sulehay Road, 0.5 miles west of the villageYarwell Village
PE8 6PA, Stamford
Learn how to identify common grasses
About the event
Grasses are among the most important flowering plants, ubiquitous in almost all habitats. Their structure, co-evolved with grazing animals, adapts them well to mowing as well as grazing, so they dominate pastureland and meadows. They can be daunting to start with, as they look so different from other wildflowers.
The day will explain the structure of grasses, including their beautiful if subtle flowers, and help you identify common grasses in the field using a hand lens. A short guide to recognising the most distinctive species, and keys to flowering and vegetative features will be used.