Breeding bird surveys on our reserves

Breeding bird surveys on our reserves

A summary of the past 10 years of surveys by Christine Newell (volunteer) and Nick Millar (senior monitoring officer)
A breeding bird survey document from Brampton Wood

Our volunteers have expressed an interest in knowing which reserves we have been surveying in the Breeding Bird Transect project. The accompanying tables give a very simple summary of the species recorded at each reserve and whether the species has been recorded fairly often or simply in one or two years. Note that the tables do not indicate breeding status.

In terms of principal habitats represented on the reserves and in the transect routes the commonest reserve types are ‘woodland only’ and ‘grass, scrub, water’. Separate tables are provided so similar reserves may be compared. The three main tabs in the Excel file are also provided as PDF versions.

More data will be made available as analysis proceeds.

A large number of volunteers have given their time and expertise in the field to this project and the Trust would like to acknowledge them for their contribution. We apologise if we have accidently missed anyone off the list; let us know and we will rectify the mistake.

The tables summarising the bird data were compiled by Christine Newell with assistance from Robin Bailey.

Our thanks go to the following volunteers for all their help:

Nils Adeler, Malcolm Anderson, Louise Bacon, Peter Beckenham, Paul Bennett, Helen Bird, Laura Brady, Alan Brimmell, Robert Brown, Juliette Butler, Colin Carpenter, Dave Chambers, David Clayton, Steve Clews, Gill Cox, Paul Cutforth, Anne Cutforth, Joy Dingley, Richard Dowsett, Mark Evans, Chris Green, Glenn Hadley, Nick Hammond, Peter Herkenrath, Philip Hobson, Ken Hook, Andrew Hunter, Bob Jarman, Stephanie Kimsey, Chris Kirby-Lambert, Charlie Kitchin, Sarah Lambert, Derek Langslow, Vince Lea, Duncan Mackay, Bruce Martin, Andrew McGibbon, Mary McGibbon, Alan Miles, Jane Moore, Antony Mould, Christine Newell, Frank Olde-Wolbers, Pauline Olde-Wolbers, Claire Parrish, John Paver, Pam Peacock, Evan Peacock, David Price, Graeme Reed, Mark Ricketts, Lisa Rowley, Jeremy Rusher, Judy Rusher, Jay Jay Saint, Liz Scott, James Simpson, Clive Sinclair, Dick Smith, Chris Sykes, Andrew Tongue, Louise Tuffin, Keith Walkling, Jane Walton, John Ward, Ruth Ward, Terry Wood, Judy Wood, Lewis York, Julian Young, Jeremy Young