Small tortoiseshell - Vicky Nall
Ramsden Corner
A small secluded reserve worth exploring for its suprising variety of habitats
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
April to JulyAbout the reserve
The northern section of the grassland at Ramden Corner is acidic, with abundant sheep's sorrel and bent grasses giving the grassland a red sheen through much of the year. There are also large quantities of heath bedstraw and sweet vernal-grass, together with the yellow flowers of cat's ear and tormentil.
A large number of bird species have been recorded on the reserve, including redpoll, brambling and grasshopper warbler.
Additional information
- Scroll down to see the reserve boundary. Please note the boundary map is for indication purposes only and does not show the Wildlife Trusts definitive land boundary.
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Contact us
Contact number: 01604 405285
Contact email: northamptonshire@wildlifebcn.org