The State of Nature 2023. 4 years on - what's changed?
Last week saw the publication of the latest State of Nature Report. Four years on from the previous iteration, it provides a solid mix of statistics, data and case studies.
The State of Nature in the BCN Area
Ryan Clark updates on two exciting projects using vast amounts of data to reveal how wildlife is faring in our area -
a local State of Nature report and a database of all species recorded on…
The state of nature - turning a corner or being undermined?
CEO Brian Eversham reflects on the latest State of Nature report and how it relates to our local wildlife
State of Nature: 50+ nature organisations urge Government action
A powerful coalition of nature organisations is urging the Prime Minister to lead the way globally on commitments to nature by putting long-held nature promises into law
The election results are in! So, what’s next for nature?
Throughout the election campaign, it became clear that people know that our natural world is in crisis and want politicians to make the bold and ambitious commitments to reverse the decline. So…
News & Blogs
Stop the Reserve, I want to get off: Why change is inevitable on Nature Reserves, and what we can do to make change positive
Nene Wetlands Senior Ranger, Pete, explores the topic of changing nature reserves, and what we can do to make change positive
Nature's palette
Communities and Wildlife Manager Becks takes us on a relaxing tour around the colours of nature...
Nature's Connections
Two projects have benefitted from Tesco Bags of Help funding: a project enhancing Health and Wellbeing at the Great Fen and Paxton Pits Bone Detectives scheme, both of which have fostered and…
Nextdoor Nature
News from Bedford Borough
Forest School, Nature Connection and Green Men - it's all happening in Bedford Borough!