Visiting our Nature Reserves
Filming on our nature reserves
Mapping habitats on our nature reserves
Siân Williams, Senior Monitoring and Research Officer, reports on creating detailed digital maps of the habitats on our nature reserves, and how these maps are being used to tell us more not just…
Monitoring Our Woodland Nature Reserves
Siân Williams, Senior Monitoring and Research Officer, gives an overview of habitat monitoring and a new method the team have been trialing to assess the condition of our woodland sites.
Nature's palette
Communities and Wildlife Manager Becks takes us on a relaxing tour around the colours of nature...
Bringing our Awareness Back to Nature
Experiencing mindfulness in the meadows.
Nature's Connections
Two projects have benefitted from Tesco Bags of Help funding: a project enhancing Health and Wellbeing at the Great Fen and Paxton Pits Bone Detectives scheme, both of which have fostered and…
Nextdoor Nature
Reserved for Nature
Nature Reserves (A-Z)
Nature and Natter: Cambourne willow weaving
Nature and Natter is a programme of activities aimed at adults, with an environmental or nature twist and a focus on friendly chat.