Outreach in Bedford Borough
Ruth Sneath updates us on her outreach work in Bedford Borough
Ruth Sneath updates us on her outreach work in Bedford Borough
Forest School, Nature Connection and Green Men - it's all happening in Bedford Borough!
The Wildlife Trust BCN's Conservation Officer, Chloe Apicella, will give us an illustrated talk on the interactions between all the organisms we might find in a pond.
An insight into activities over the spring and into the summer across Bedford Borough.
Forest School Competition Winners: I am delighted that Camestone Lower in Kempston are the winners of…
We will be guided by the Wildlife Trust BCN's Senior Reserves Officer, Gregory Belcher, an expert on the reserve who will be able to show us a wide range of waterfowl among other things.
Betty Cooke, who knows the site so well and is a regular guide, will take us around parts of this reserve.